December 2021 Guidance

December is all about movement. What do you need to move within yourself before we enter the long winter months? What tasks, projects, or goals need your attention at the moment? The goal-driven energy of Sagittarius and the discipline of Capricorn are the winning combo to make big things happen. This is a very productive energy that is coming through and its important to not get distracted by shiny objects and focus on your personal goals. 

Addressing these themes during the first 2 weeks of December will allow clear intentions to emerge before the Winter Solstice. The Solstice Week is a powerful gateway for intention setting and calling in what you want to create, so getting clear now about what you want to manifest for the New Year will allow you to move with the energy this month from a place of confidence and excitement rather than a state of overwhelm, anxiety and uncertainty. There’s no need to rush, just feel into what wants to express itself and let it guide you into the New Year. 


January 2022 Guidance


November 2021 Guidance