Energy Update: The Elevator


Heart- Are you living from your heart? Do your actions align with how you feel? Do your acquaintances align with your spiritual path? Are they helping you grow or telling you to stop until they catch up?

Do you feel free to fully express yourself? These are the questions you need to meditate on as you unlock your heart energy and light the flame within. The answers you get might bring you to an uncomfortable level of awareness- work through this by loving yourself unconditionally and allowing yourself to question your current path and the things you’re attached to. Do you know what your attachments are and do you refuse to let go? Meet them, look them down and acknowledge them. Bringing consciousness to them will allow them to unravel and detach from your energy field.

The elevator in this dimension is going to the next floor- who gets off the elevator? That is for you to decide. When you know what floor you are going to, you get off by yourself no matter what floor everyone else is stopping at. Be comfortable with getting off on your own floor, letting the doors close behind you and moving forward. In our oneness we are all on solo missions until we merge. Honor where your mission takes you and where it stops, changes, or elevates.

What if the collective is in the elevator? Some people in the elevator are in fear due to external events and aren’t ready to go to the roof of the building. Maybe they have some “stuff” they forgot on the ground floor. The elevator has to go as high as the highest number selected before it drops down again. Get off on the highest floor you selected at the time, and let it drop back down for those who want to go back down. And when it comes back up, you get on and continue. You are free to ascend. This is your soul’s journey. It already knows where it is going. It has done this before. Now you are witnessing its ascension- that is why you can trust this journey- you already mapped it out. Are you ready to go to the next floor? Yes, get in the elevator- watch the buttons light up. We’ll all meet at the top when we get there. All that matters is that you get in the elevator. 


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