Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8/22

The Lion’s Gate Portal opens on August 8th of every year. On this day, the sun is in Leo, hence the name Lions Gate, but what makes this date special is that the Earth lines up with the Sun, the star Sirius, and Orion’s belt. This cosmic alignment is what creates a portal allowing higher dimensional energy and light to infuse the planet. This light is information, and we can work with this information to accelerate our spiritual growth and evolution. 

How does this acceleration happen? The energy that enters our planet on the Lions gate has such a high frequency that it allows higher dimensional information to activate our DNA and broaden our individual and collective bandwith. This can result in the activation of dormant psychic gifts and abilities, as well as past life memories and ancient wisdom stored in our DNA.

The energy on August 8th is so expansive that it can also open our hearts to receive the frequencies that the higher realms have to offer. The particular energy of Sirius gives us the opportunity to connect with 5th dimensional heart centered consciousness in order to aid in humanity’s evolution and ascension. We are literally dropped into the center of our heart’s where we can feel the higher state of unconditional love like never before. This energy peaks on August 8/8, but it can also be felt and integrated for weeks afterwards. Sirius is one of the brightest stars in the sky and is known as our Spiritual Sun. The Earthly Sun illuminates our physical world, and the Spitual Sun illuminates our souls. During the Lions Gate the Sun and Sirius align with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The Ancient Egyptians believed that Sirius was the gateway to the heavenly realms and the  home of higher vibrational beings. They believed that Sirius carried intergalactic wisdom for us to tap into and that the Great Pyramids were transmitters that amplified the energy of Sirius for humanity to channel. For these reasons, the Lions Gate Portal is the perfect opportunity to expand our consciousness and awaken to our soul’s infinite wisdom.

The numerology of the Lions Gate also adds to the significance of this high vibrational day. 8 is a power number. It represents freedom, strength, Abundance, and the achievement of goals. When turned on its side it becomes the symbol of infinity. The interlocking circles of the infinity symbol represent the connection between the spiritual and physical dimensions. The Lions gate portal is a reminder that we are spiritual beings in a physical experience, here to integrate spirit and matter, as well as the emotional and physical body.

Lets not forget the significance of the Lions Gate occurring during Leo Season. This is a time to connect to our hearts and embody love, creativity, and passion. Its also a great time to activate the throat center and literally roar by speaking your truth and asserting personal boundaries. This is a time for us to be seen and heard. 

So how do we tie this all together and actually work with this energy?

The most important thing to do when working with any form of energy is having the intention to work with it. All you need to do is hold the intention that you are connecting with the Lion’s Gate Portal. All of us have the power and ability to receive cosmic downloads and activations. 

During cosmic events, I always recommend spending time in nature. You can simply sit in stillness or meditate. Being in nature allows us to connect with stillness much faster than if we’re indoors. If you can’t get out to your favorite spot in nature just set some time aside where you can be outside. Slow your breathing, and feel the sun’s rays on your skin. Pause and take this in, intend that you are receiving and integrating Lions Gate light codes. 

The energy from Sirius is also associated with bringing peace to one’s mind, body, and soul. Intend that this energy heals and rebalances any distortions or blocks in your energy field. Intend in your meditations that you receive any light codes and information needed for your highest good and spiritual growth.

The Lions Gate is the optimal time for heart healing as the energy from our sun in Leo and Sirius open and activate the heart center. This is your time to begin a self love practice or deepen one you may already have. Old wounds are ready to be healed with your own love and presence. Release any judgments held against the self at this time. You may find yourself drawn to finally letting go of imbalance and toxic personal relationships. 

The Lions Gate allows us to receive more psychic downloads and sharpen our discernment, so now is the time to trust your gut and get in touch with your intuition. Your inner compass will be recalibrated and stronger, so when you get an intuitive hit, trusting this will train your gut to respond to what feels good to you and what doesn’t. 

This time isn’t just about cosmic alignment but with aligning with your personal truth, and knowing what feels true to you and your body will allow you to navigate any dimension. This is also a powerful and potent time for manifestation. Use this time to set intentions and manifest what you want to call into your life and align with.

During this time you may find yourself drawn to expanding your spiritual wisdom and seeing through the many veils of this reality. We are always given the opportunity to awaken to our true potential, so don’t be surprised if your spiritual goals begin to take priority in your life. If you are drawn to any particular spiritual teachings or healing modalities, now is the time to explore them. 

The Lion’s Gate portal reminds us that we are infinite beings traversing infinity. I wish you all a beautiful and happy Lion’s Gate!


Lion’s Gate Portal Guidance


August 2022 Guidance