May 2021 Energy Update


The energy this month is asking us to cultivate awareness in all areas of our lives. What aspects of you are calling for more attention? What emotions have been suppressed that are ready to be seen? This is an auspicious time to deeply focus on inner child work and shadow work to help illuminate what’s been hidden. What has your subconscious been trying to communicate to you through your dreams? Where are you noticing more synchronicities and what are they communicating to you? Where do you need to pay more attention? The answers to these questions are here to support your long-term goals. Whether you want to experience a shift in your health, relationships, or finances, the energy this month is here to support your self-inquiry process so that you can deeply understand your needs and where they come from. 

May will also bring clarity for those who are seeking new beginnings and wrapping up loose ends. Sometimes the lens of our lives needs to zoom out and get the full picture before focusing on what comes next. Take inventory of your needs and prioritize how you want to meet them. Use the energy of this month to fine tune your goals and most importantly, start believing that you have the ability to see them through. Self-awareness met with self-love is the winning combo this month. 

As you navigate the following weeks, enjoy what you’ve worked hard to create without downplaying your successes. You are allowed to celebrate yourself. Pause and reflect on how far you’ve traveled on your journey, learning from both the obstacles and the wins. Admire what you have created within yourself through your inner work that deserves your own recognition and admiration. Feel what it’s like to generate your own inner recognition and validation. 

When making decisions take the time for thoughtful reflection, processing, and consideration, and look to the motivation behind your actions. Why do we do what we do? Which needs are being served? Coming full circle in our awareness by the end of May is the goal, so allow yourself to be present enough to focus on this work and enjoy the process at the same time. This will make room for new and unexpected waves of clarity in the months to come. 


June 2021 Energy Update


Mid-April 2021 Energy Update