June 2022 Guidance

The theme for June is feeling and embracing the harmony that we can all create within ourselves. With the amount of energetic debris purged within the last 2 weeks of May, an expansion has taken place where we can actually hold more harmonious energy within our emotional and physical bodies. What’s specifically coming up this month is the important human need of being seen. Whether it’s us seeing ourselves, or being seen by our families, partners, or communities, this is a powerful and valid need that we all deserve to meet. Meeting this from within comes from embracing our needs without any shame or judgment, and then creating this by connecting with our inner child. Make time this month to meet with your inner child and tell them that you fully see them, welcome them forward, and are here to help them (and yourself) fully shine and experience all of the joy, harmony, and love that you deserve. When we fully see ourselves and meet this need from within, we allow ever more creative expression to come forward, and when we freely create and express, we are in harmony with the universe. 


July 2022 Guidance


May 2022 Guidance