May 2022 Guidance

The theme for May is tapping into to concept of timelessness. Time is a human construct, a very limiting construct, but one that rules this physical experience. However, over identifying with this structure can create more stress and anxiety in your life if you use “time” as a way to pressure yourself, limit yourself, and tell you that you can’t have something. Thinking that you don’t have time to achieve your goals or call a manifestation into fruition is an example. Time suggests linear movement, but the Quantum is everything all at once. It’s limitless. Tapping into the Quantum is a state of flow that creates unlimited energy and infinite possibilities. So this month, try to approach your goals and tasks without added time limits and extra pressure on yourself. If May feels timeless, can you exhale and relax a littler deeper into your experience? Can you wake up, take things one day at a time, and trust that what you do each day adds up even quicker because you’re more joyful and relaxed? Set goals for May, but release the added pressure of thinking that you are somehow behind in the overall pace of your journey. We all have things we would like to accomplish before June and we all have the same amount of time, the difference is our attitude and how we approach it, and this perspective is what will actually determine how productive and successful we will be.


June 2022 Guidance


April 2022 Guidance